- La Porta Budapest
- La Porta Dental
- La Porta Optic

Why La Porta Budapest?
La Porta Budapest Ltd. is your professional partner. We will help you with table reservation, hotel bookings, purchasing your flight tickets, insurance or tickets to performances or concerts that are almost sold out. We will also assist you with your daily tasks concerning your private or business life from errands to delivery.
Recognizing the growing need for corporate services that are already well known and popular in the USA or several countries of the European Union, the La Porta Budapest Ltd. was founded at the beginning of 2006 with the aim to offer new opportunities to the customers in Hungary and to widen the range of services offered in this sector. The founders and owners of the company are professionals, previously working as front office heads of luxury hotels as members of the International Clefs d'Or Association. We can serve the different needs of companies working at various fields using our knowledge, experience, database and the previously tested partnership.
La Porta Budapest Ltd. offers personalized packages that can help you reach your goals in a more efficient and simple way in all field of your life.Sometimes you have no time, no energy, no ideas, although the solution is near at hand!
Experience high quality dental services in Hungary
"Eagle eye" treatment in Hungary from spring 2001
So far, the aim of laser treatments has been to achieve 100% vision. This means that patients are able to read the lowest row of the vision chart from the usual 5-metre distance after treatment.
In the last two years , diagnostic and treatment procedures in ophthalmology have developed enormously. The equipment developed in 2000 now makes it possible to detect and treat errors of refraction which were undetectable with previous methods.
With the new instruments, treatments can now be carried out by which visual acuity can be doubled. As a result, the smallest letters of the vision chart can be read from a distance of 10 metres instead of the usual 5 metres.
That's what we call 200% vision. Thanks to the development of science, we can see farther and more sharply.